HURRY!! - this exhibition ends Sunday, the 26th April!
We all love a chunky knit right? Well it doesn't get much chunkier than this...
I first met Sophie at CRAFT 2015 trade show in London's Olympia, where we were both showing and selling our knits. But in stark contrast to the super fine knitting and tiny stitches of my linen & silk scarves, Sophie's creations are about as chunky a knit as you will ever see.
Under her label Aphelia Opus, she designs, makes and sells the most amazing knitted interiors products and accessories. I love the shape of her pyramid like cushions and her wall hangings are truly epic in scale. Here's what her stand at CRAFT looked like:

Well she's been super busy since then, creating some incredible pieces for an exhibition in London. Alongside watercolour artist Elspeth Hamilton's paintings, Sophie's work hangs on the walls and even embraces whole structural elements of the DreamSpace Gallery.
I went along to the private view to see Sophie and her latest creations.
Column / pillar in the main gallery space totally covered in knitting!
I love her use of colour and texture and this exhibition shows off her textiles as the works of art that they truly are.
When I showed the photo below to a friend he commented "Wow! That's the biggest knitting I've ever seen! Clothes for buildings!" That's why some people call this extreme knitting...
The lovely Sophie herself, in front of one of her majestic knitted artworks
So if you want to see these marvels for yourself, head down to the DreamSpace gallery at 3 Dufferin Street, London EC1Y 8NA
But HURRY - the exhibition ends this Sunday, the 26th April.
It's really near the Barbican, so you could combine it with a visit to see their Magnificent Obsessions exhibition or Roman Signer's Slow Movement in the Curve Gallery
Check out Sophie's website:
Or follow her on Twitter: @apheliaopus
Or on Instagram: @aphelia_opus